Monthly Meetings: The club holds regular monthly meetings as noted in the Event Calendar.
Workshop and Events Information: The Camano Garden Club members are notified of local area gardening workshops and classes. For example, the Club belongs to Evergreen Arboretum & Gardens in Everett. The Arboretum offers a variety of gardening classes and hands-on demonstrations throughout most of the year.
Volunteer Opportunities in the Community: Some of the CGC meetings are held at the Community Center on Camano Island. In exchange for meeting space, a group of members maintain the gardens surrounding the Camano Center building. Gardeners share their knowledge and talent by keeping the area colorful and offer a place welcoming to visitors.
The dues for the CGC are $25 per year, and are to be paid by December 31 for the following year. Dues can be paid by cash or check at a monthly meeting or mailed to: Camano Garden Club, P.O. Box 1836, Stanwood, WA 98292. If you are a new member, dues are paid when you join.
There are no meetings in January and February. Meetings are held the third Thursday from March through November. A special holiday lunch is held in December.
A Program Committee schedules meetings for the year with seasonal interest. The Committee is formed by volunteer members, and welcomes suggestions.
Member guests are welcome to attend up to three meetings before joining. In special instances, a nominal fee may apply.
Inquiries from visitors and members are welcome
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