March 20

Why Would You Not Want To Grow Roses?

Judy Redmond is a very knowledgeable member of the Seattle Rose Society and will discuss the many aspects of growing these beauties.

Note new location

Open to the public: $5 for non-members

Meet at Madrona Fire Station #4, 273 N West Camano DR, Camano Island
Meet at 9:45 AM
Lunch will be on your own.
Please RSVP to hostesses by March 14.

April 17

Spring Tour at Evergreen Arboretum

Did you know you are a member of the EAG through Camano Garden Club? The gardens are a living museum of 3.5 acres with 10 themed gardens and sculptures throughout. Our docent will begin in the classroom demonstrating planting of spring baskets.

Meet at Terry’s Corner Park & Ride for carpool and map
Meet at 9:00 AM
Sign up for lunch reservations at Scuttlebutt's
Please RSVP to hostesses by April 10

May 15

Cascadia Iris Gardens Tour, Lake Stevens

Patrick Spence will take us on a tour of his Iris Garden, introducing you to species that bloom all year. He will help you find the perfect iris for your garden.

Meet at Terry’s Corner Park & Ride for carpool and map
Meet at 9:10 AM
Bring a brown bag lunch to eat in the garden!
Please RSVP to hostesses by May 8

June 19

Tour of Members' Gardens - Members Only Event

It is time to visit our Garden Club friends and see how they planned their gardens to provide some beautiful, restful spaces.

A plant exchange will be located at the last house.

Meet at Terry's Corner Park & Ride for carpool and map
Meet at 9:30 AM
Lunch announcement will be made.
Please RSVP to hostesses by June 12

July 17

A Visit to John Marsh's Garden, Tulalip

John's garden is high up on a bluff overlooking Port Susan. He enjoys bright sunny areas near the house. The property then winds down pathways into beautiful protected shady gardens. Bring walking shoes and perhaps a walking stick.

Meet at Terry's Corner Park & Ride for carpool and map
Meet at 9:10 AM
Lunch will be on your own.
Please RSVP to hostesses by July 10.

August 21

Lavender Farm - Our Legacy Fields

The farm is situated on 10 acres of sunny fields in Stanwood, perfect for growing lavender. Come experience the sights, scents, and calming affects you feel around this special herb.

Meet at Terry's Corner Park & Ride for carpool and map
Meet at 9:45 AM
Lunch will be on your own.
Please RSVP to host/hostesses by August 14.

Sept 11

Native Plants for PNW at Sunnyside Nursery (Please note date change)

Native plants adapt to difficult growing conditions and survive in their native habitats. Sunnyside's Best, Trevor Cameron, will talk to us about getting more native plants in our home landscape.

Meet at Terry's Corner Park & Ride for carpool and map.
9:00 AM
Lunch will be on your own.
Please RSVP to hostesses by September 4.

Oct 16

Craft Project: Making a Succulent Wreath

We will use sphagnum moss wreath forms to create a beautiful succulent wreath. Bring your own succulents to poke into the moss. Many succulents will be needed, so start cutting and rooting early! Cost of $20 for wreath form and other supplies.

Nomination of Officers.

Camaloch Chalet, N. Camaloch Dr
Meet at 9:45 AM
Lunch will be on your own.
Please RSVP to host/hostess by October 6

Nov 20

Herbs, Herbs, Herbs At Christianson’s Nursery

John Christianson will again entertain us with his vast plant knowledge and wit. He will provide information on herbs, their growth habits, planting information, tips for decorating and use in cooking.

Meet at Terry’s Corner Park & Ride for carpool and map.
Meet at 9:25 AM
Lunch will be on your own.
Please RSVP to hostesses by November 13

Dec 4

Holiday Luncheon & Business Meeting - Members Only Event

Time to bring a close to a wonderful year. Thanks to those who helped organize informative and fun events. We wish you prosperous gardens in the New Year!

Hosted by Camano Garden Club Officers

Meet at Camano Center, 606 Arrowhead Road
Begins at 1:00 PM
Please note special date and time.
Please RSVP to hostesses by November 21

RSVP to an Event

I will be attending


If I could choose a single gift

to give all mankind

I'd walk calmly to the backyard garden

where against the fence I'd find

a single flower, that grew

and bloomed in the spring

to wave in gentle breezes

and through its silence sing

the praises of the pure virtue, Love

and assure all men that there is good.

2022 Poem
- Mary Havran

From Original Art by Betty Dorotik
Used with permission

all rights reserved